
The Chapel  was similar to student assembilies that schools use today.  Besides the daily morning devotionals, each month students presented a program highlighting their course of study. Parents, students, faculty, and friends would attend these standing room-only assemblies. Previously selected students presented a program that included musical performances, dramatic recitations, and plays. Outside groups such as the Morris Brown College's Quartet were invited to perform.

Special presenters were invited to impart knowledge to the students. There was always a representative of the American Missionary Association (AMA) to update the students on the good works the AMA were accomplishing in its various sectors. These were also inspection tours. Organizations such as the Junior Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce, the local and state Y.M.C.A. representatives along with other dignitaries.  

One special speaker was Mrs. C.C. (Helen) Harrold, the first female member of the Macon City Council, suffragette and fighter for equal rights. The head of the Georgia State Board of Negro Education spoke and was impressed by the student behavior and the community support the school enjoyed. Businessmen, educators, and religious leaders from all over the state of Georgia came. 

Negro History Week was celebrated each year in the chapel. Students also received classroom lessons on various events, places, and individuals of note in Negro History.

The Chapel program always ended with the singing of Lift Every Voice and Sing.